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The Only Diet Your Business Needs

Congrats! If you’re reading this, you’ve made it a few days into 2023. Though we are early in the new year, many of us entrepreneurs are in business decision-making mode already. OK, truth be told, we’re always in that mode. I’m guilty of thinking about business daily, even during Christmas break.

With each new year, it's natural to reflect on the past and consider how we can make improvements in the future. One thing that might be worth considering for 2023 is committing to not following the advice of Douchey Bro Influencers or what I like to call “DBIs.” Remove them from your feed and your life. Yes, jump on the DBI Diet.

What exactly do I mean by "douchey bro influencers"?

These are people, typically guys, who present themselves as experts or gurus in a particular field or industry, mostly through social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. They usually have a large following and use their platform to promote products or services that they claim can help others achieve massive success, 10X their earnings, or improve their lives in some magical way.

Unfortunately, many of these DBIs are more interested in making a quick buck than in actually helping their followers. They may offer "secret hacks" or "tactics" that are nothing more than hype, or they may promote products that are overpriced or shit quality. Many of them seem to be more concerned with their own personal brand and image than with the well-being or success of their followers.

So why am I recommending you join the DBI diet this year? Here are a few reasons:

-Their advice is often generic and not tailored to your specific needs.

DBIs often give advice that is very broad and not customized to the individual needs of their followers. They may present their advice as a one-size-fits-all solution, but the reality is that what works for one person may not work for another. Trust me, I know this from firsthand experience. I’ve been there, done that, and had to learn the hard way.

Instead of following the advice of these influencers, it's important to take the time to understand your own goals, strengths, and challenges, and to seek out advice that is tailored to your specific needs.

-They often have ulterior motives.

While some influencers may genuinely want to help their followers, like Gary Vaynerchuk, many DBIs are more interested in profiting off your desire to hack your way to the top. They may promote products or services that they have a financial stake in, or they may use their platform to sell overpriced courses or memberships that offer little to no value.

-They may not have the expertise or experience that they claim to have.

DBIs often present themselves as experts or authorities in their field, but the reality is that many of them don't have the level of expertise or experience that they claim to have. They may not have little to no training in the area they are discussing, or they may have limited practical experience. Do your own research and to get advice from professionals or experts who have a proven track record of success, not just a bazillion followers or fans.

So, what can you do instead of following DBIs in 2023? I’m glad you asked:

-I’ve said this for years—Experiment and test things out for yourself.

One of the best ways to determine what works for you is to experiment and test things out for yourself. This may mean trying out different approaches or methods, or it may mean trying out different products or services. The key is to be open-minded and to be willing to learn from your successes and failures.

-Find diverse sources of information.

Instead of relying on just one or two influencers for your information and advice, look for a diverse range of sources. This includes books, articles, podcasts, or online courses from qualified experts or professionals. It's also a good idea to look for multiple perspectives on a given topic.

-Find a mentor or accountability partner.

Having someone to guide you and provide support can be incredibly helpful when it comes to achieving your goals. Consider finding a mentor or accountability partner who can offer personalized advice and guidance based on their expertise and experience. This could be a colleague, a friend, or a professional in your field. Don’t expect them to do the work for you. They are there to give you guidance and advice, not do your job.

-Trust your judgment and instincts.

Remember, you are the expert on your own life and business. Trust your gut, your instinct, and your judgment, even if they go against the advice of a DBI. It's okay to look for advice and guidance from others, but evaluate the information you receive critically and make decisions that are best for you.

So, as the new year begins, consider leaving the douchey bro influencers behind and focusing on your own path to success.

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