Posts tagged Systems and Processes
Are You Processing or Procrastinating?

I’m an inbox-zero girl at heart. I know there are a LOT of interpretations of what that really means, but for me it’s this: if it’s in my inbox, it needs some kind of action. That means I’m almost never ACTUALLY at zero, but if my inbox is under 10 items I usually feel pretty good. My goal is to use as little brain power as possible processing/reprocessing unnecessary information. I consider myself a decently smart person…but sometimes at 6pm, I realize..

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No, You Should NOT Outsource Your Copy... Maybe?

Yep, you read that right. I, the Director of Creative Services for a copywriting service, am telling you NOT to outsource your copy.


I’ve been a salaried in-house staff writer, a full-time writer for an agency, managed a team of writers, AND done a lot of other jobs in the creative services and marketing spaces.

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