Posts tagged Sales
About My Love 😍 Hate 😖 Relationship With Sales Funnels... [FREE Cheat Sheet!]

A little sip from the crazy straw will tell you that most marketers don’t treat funnels, well… like funnels. Instead of using their sales funnel to attract an audience, and get them to know/like/ trust them, they go hardcore — like a junkie needing a quick fix . They try to mainline sales from cold to closed in a single step. That’s not a funnel, that’s a fail. Oh, and it’s stupid AF.

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Stop Writing Like A Robot

Please do us all a favor and stop trying to write for Search Engine Optimization — write for the person you want to reach. Write like people, people!

Lately, I’ve been seeing tons of AP Stylebook writing. Do you even know how stuffy it reads? Drop the weird industry buzz words and phrases you’d only see in a textbook. Yep, write it just like this. The way I am writing this blog is human, friendly, and warm. It’s kind of like I am talking to a real person. You are a real person, right? Of course, the “who” you are talking to can and will change, but let’s be real, reading a blog written in a casual tone builds rapport with your audience, you can almost hear the words coming from my mouth. Or keys in this case.

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