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Are You Processing or Procrastinating?

I’m an inbox-zero girl at heart. I know there are a LOT of interpretations of what that really means, but for me it’s this: if it’s in my inbox, it needs some kind of action.

That means I’m almost never ACTUALLY at zero, but if my inbox is under 10 items I usually feel pretty good.

My goal is to use as little brain power as possible processing/reprocessing unnecessary information. I consider myself a decently smart person…but sometimes at 6pm, I realize I’ve brained so hard that day that I can’t even brain something as simple as “do we have the ingredients to make that for dinner?” or “I just used that up, I need to add it to the shopping list before I forget (cut to 3 seconds later) … what was I in the middle of doing?”

So, with that detailed glimpse into my personal life complete, I have a confession: I left an email newsletter sitting in my inbox for WEEKS.

But why? Why would I waste that precious space? Because it was the inspiration for a blog post I was thinking about writing and I wasn’t ready to write.

One hallmark of creative folks (this isn’t limited to us, of course, but we do seem to excel at it) is the ability to PROCRASTINATE. That’s because creative work is hard. Sometimes we have elaborate rituals for getting in the “creative zone” like perfect lighting and zen candle scents. Other times our process looks more like this: avoid until the last possible moment and then, under extreme (self-inflicted) duress, get sh*t done. 💩

I’ve been guilty of this, sure. But in this case, I wasn’t procrastinating (I didn’t have a due date for this thing, I just had an idea). Instead, I was processing…passively.

That sounds like such BS, doesn’t it? (I can hear myself responding if I were reading or hearing this from any other source, “great spin, you should be in PR! Ha! Passive processing. That’s just a fancy way to say you’re procrastinating without pissing off your boss!”)

But I’d argue it’s different.

When I wrote that blog post, it flowed like a fountain of melted butter (is that a thing?!). And THAT’S because I’d let those thoughts simmer on the back burner like a really good homemade pasta sauce. (Now I’m hungry. Dammit, food metaphors! ….that reminds me, I need to add parmesan to the shopping list.)

Have you ever had a great idea on vacation that just wouldn’t do you the favor of showing up when you really needed it at the office? That’s likely the result of passive processing. Letting your brain work the problem in the background instead of agonizing over it in the moment.

Procrastinating is different — it’s avoidance — which means you’re starting at Square One when you finally get to it.

I’m going to invite you on a magical internet rabbit hole and let Tim Urban explain (as only he can) what procrastination REALLY looks like:

See this content in the original post

I’m not here to judge your process. I’m also not here to encourage your Instant Gratification Monkey. But sometimes, letting an idea simmer…giving yourself the gift of passive processing time…makes life a whole lot easier.

Juuuuust make sure you’re processing and not procrastinating.

Now about that shopping list…

See this content in the original post