Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk

When my head hits the pillow at the end of a long day, nothing is more frustrating for me than finding that sweet spot: the pillow area where my head sinks in effortlessly and my neck is cradled in supreme comfort.

Sleep, like working out, is one of the most important physical activities we can participate in. It not only recharges our bodies, but it also gives our minds a much-needed break from the myriad of things we deal with throughout the day. Many of us operate on little sleep, are sleep deprived, or worse, sleep with the cheapest pillow we can find on sale.

I used to be one of those pillow shoppers.

To me, a pillow was a mere commodity. Sure, some people like firm pillows, others soft; then there are the weirdos who prefer foam, but you could walk into any retailer that sells pillows, squish a few in your hands, and in minutes, find a pillow. If it’s on sale, all the better. You’ve scored a pillow and a deal.

Then you’d go home, encase the pillow in its covering, and sleep. Or, in my case, toss and turn in an attempt to find that sweet spot on your new pillow.

Except for the early years of my life when my parents supplied my basics, I’ve just described to you the first 50 years of my life and my relationship with the common household pillow.

Traveling Pillow

Many individuals hold on to their drool-filled pillows for years, using them beyond serviceability. Why? Because a broken-in pillow has that sweet spot ready to use. It’s like on-demand comfort every time your head meets it for sleep. Some are lucky enough to have a pillow well seasoned on both sides. When Side A is a bit too warm or you’ve shifted, and it doesn’t feel right, a quick flip of the pillow… and Side B is like a fresh new pillow to start your night over.

Since I travel a lot, I see other people’s pillows out in the wild. This intimately personal item from the bedroom gets scrunched up, tucked in backpack straps, folded, hugged, squished, and carried with them like a child’s teddy bear or blanket. It seems our pillows have become one with us, and separation is painful. Thus, pillows become travel companions.

The reality is that people who travel with their pillows do so because most hotel pillows suck. They are used by hundreds if not thousands of people to sleep. I’m sorry, the thought of putting my head on a pillow used the night before to support the hips of a honeymooning couple makes it difficult for me to unsee that visual. Now you can’t unsee it either; you’re welcome.

What Was Missing From My Night

I could write about how all pillows are the same, or a pillow is a pillow, but the truth is undeniable. Not all pillows are the same. I discovered what was missing from my night when I started traveling frequently. Speaking at conferences in different cities and doing marketing and brand consulting for clients worldwide, I quickly became a loyal Marriott Marquis hotel guest.

At first, I couldn’t put my finger on it…but every time I traveled, I slept better when my head hit the pillow in a Marriott Marquis hotel.

Was it that I was away from the day-to-day at the office? Could it be that my kids weren’t there stressing me out? Perhaps it was the ability to use the blackout curtain and eliminate every beam of light from my view.

During one of my trips, as my head sunk into my pillow at the Marriott Marquis in downtown San Diego, I wondered why my sleep was so much better there than at home. The answer was right in front of me the entire time…or in this case, right behind… my head. It was the pillow. There’s something special about the pillows at Marriott Marquis hotels that makes sleep extra amazing.

Can You Help Me?

After concluding it was the fabulous Marriott Pillows that delivered the most restful sleep of my life, I decided to visit the concierge desk of the Marriott Marquis while in New York City for yet another conference.

This, by the way, happened a few years ago, so I am going off of memory. The conversation went something like this.

Me: Excuse me, I have a question, and I’m pretty sure it’s the dumbest one you’ll be asked today.

Concierge: Mr. Moskowitz, I am here to serve you; what’s your question?

Me: Can I buy my room pillow?

Concierge: Absolutely!

At this moment, the look on my face was joyful. I’d finally have a good night’s sleep at home as at the Marriott Marquis.

The concierge told me their signature pillows were available on the Marriott store website, and I could order one to be at my home by the time I returned.

Bougie Like That

My wife says I am bougie. I like to order my burgers without mustard; I prefer my coffee to reach thermonuclear temperature before drinking, and I LOVE ❤️ my Marriott Marquis pillow. I don’t think that is bougie of me. No, I am self-aware enough to know that the moneymaker in my head needs a good night’s rest to stay sharp. As a creative, my most fertile playground is my mind, and if my mind isn’t well-rested, the thoughts simply don’t flow and the creative juices dry up. I need solid sleep to be my sharpest during the day.

Upon returning from my trip, Allison told me a package had arrived. My bougie—scratch that—my self-aware pillow had arrived, and I couldn’t wait to use it that night.

It’s A Dream

Since discovering the Marriott Marquis pillow several years ago, returning from my business trips isn’t a nightmare; it’s a dream. My at-home sleep quality rivals that of my stays at the hotel. This weekend, I decided my favorite pillow had lost its oomph and needed replacing, so I ordered two new pillows.

If you value the quality of your sleep as much as I do, you must do two things immediately.

First, stop buying the cheapest pillow you can find. As with hiring people, if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Sleep is the most important physical task you can do to restore, recharge, and rejuvenate. Do yourself a favor and invest in the best pillow you can buy. For me, it’s the pillow I sleep best on, the Marriott Pillow. (BTW, this is not an ad)

Next, go to sleep. I know that seems obvious, but many of us don’t actually go to sleep when we go to bed. We grab our phones and scroll mindlessly. Instead, try lying in a darkened room and listening to your favorite bedtime music. For me, that’s George Winston’s December. The worst thing that can happen is you might dream it’s snowing, but at least you’ll be asleep.