Dear Creatives... Be Like Elsa In Frozen And "Let It Go"

Where are all my creatives at?? 🙋

You ever make the most AMAZING-BEST-EVER-LIFE-CHANGING-INCREDIBLE piece of art (writing, photography, video, content, etc)… one you LOVE and think your audience will go absolutely bonkers for… “This will be the one that makes you go viral for sure!”… and then…

It tanks.

Maybe you sent it out to the world and the engagement was trash, or people interpreted it the wrong way.

Or maybe you sent it to your team / manager / editor / client and they basically told you to start completely over and that you were an idiot.

Anyone — in any line of creative work — has had the rug pulled out from under them.

Writing, like other forms of art, is a creative process, so sometimes it can be hard not to get emotionally attached to something that you thought would REALLY kill it with the audience — but it flopped instead. 🐟

The same goes for work you may NOT LOVE or may not think is the best you’ve ever created… that’s OKAY, too.

In fact… it might be the piece of work that absolutely CRUSHES it with your client or audience.

The more important thing is that you get attached to what CONVERTS, not just what you love. 💕

So… does your ad* suck? (*insert your form of art here)

Instead of putting it out to pasture before it has a chance to prove itself in a race… Why don’t you just let your audience decide?

And - if you really loved it but your audience doesn’t — well… let it goooo, let it gooooo! 🎶

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